Monday, June 4, 2012

2012 Sci-Fi Movie Preview (FALL)

Resident Evil: Retribution (September 14, 2012)

By now you know what to expect from a Resident Evil movie and that’s not likely to change in the seemingly never-ending franchise’s fifth installment. The last one added 3D into the mix and, as a matter of fact, did it so well that it still stands as one of the best 3D efforts (from a technical standpoint) that I’ve ever seen on screen. The plot will be ridiculous, Milla Jovovich will kick ass, and you should plan to go in with the attitude that you’re in for a ridiculous action movie and nothing else, if you want to enjoy it. The plot of Retribution involves Alice (Jovovich) teaming up with a resistance movement to continue the fight against the evil Umbrella corporation. Also zombies.

Dredd (September 21, 2012)
Here’s a remake which actually needed to be done. In 1995 Sly Stallone starred in an attempted adaptation of the popular series of Judge Dredd comics and it was sort of a disaster. Now they’re trying it again and it’s bound to be better than the last one. In this version, written by 28 Days Later screenwriter Alex Garland, Karl Urban stars as the titular Dredd. If you’re unfamiliar with the comics what you should know is that Judge Dredd is a law enforcer in a violent, futuristic city where individual police officers have the authority to act as both judge, jury, and executioner. In this take on the story Judge Dredd teams up with a trainee to fight a gang of drug dealers. Lena Headey and Olivia Thirlby co-star, which instantly makes this movie worth the price of admission, if only to stare at them for two hours. Nice upgrade over Rob Schneider.

Looper (September 28, 2012)
This one’s the new movie from Brick director Rian Johnson. Joseoph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt, Jeff Daniels, and Piper Perabo star in the story of a killer who works for the mob in the future, and somehow discovers that one of his next targets is actually his future self. Yep it’s a time travel movie and if you’ve seen the complicated stories Johnson has had the skill to weave into the scripts for his other movies then you know he’s a natural fit to pull off a brilliant science fiction tale. This one’s still a long way off and only in early pre-production, but everything we’ve seen so far hints at something pretty good.

Gravity (November 21, 2012)
Gravity will either be one of the most original and breaktaking movies of 2012 or one of the most boring and frustrating. It’s too early to tell, but it helps that director Alfonso Cuaron (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) is at the helm. In it George Clooney and Sandra Bullock star in the story of a lone astronaut, stranded in space and desperately trying to get home to her daughter. Word is that much of the movie will involve Sandra simply floating alone in outer space and what’s more, none of the actors will be allowed to wear makeup of any kind on camera. You’ve probably never even seen Sandra Bullock without makeup, but in Gravity not only will you see her, you’ll see her in epic, slow, floating shots displayed entirely in 3D

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